Privacy Notice
This Privacy Notice outlines what will happen to your data in accordance with the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018.
CPCAB has its own Privacy Notice which can be found using the following website (http://www.cpcab.co.uk/Content/Publicdocs/data_protection_policy_apr18.pdf). Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with this.
The Northamptonshire Centre for Counselling Studies will not pass your personal details onto any organisation or person unless there is a signed agreement with you to do so. However, your name, date of birth, gender, nationality and learning needs are required for CPCAB registration and are inputted onto their electronic system.
Your personal details, along with any recorded information we have (i.e. tutorial records) will be stored electronically in password protected documents and will be deleted three years after the end date of the course.
Should you wish to access your records then you should make a request in writing, via email, to your tutor. It will take up to 28 days for NCCS to provide copies of your records.
You have the right to ask for records to be deleted and/or corrected. Any such request would need to be submitted in writing to your course tutor. We would ask BACP/CPCAB for advice in situations where a complaint was being made by the student or where NCCS may become aware of any unethical practice on the part of a student.
Once the course has finished, please request to be kept on the mailing list so you can hear about other training courses that we offer. If you do not request this, you will not be added to our mailing list and we will delete your details three years after you completed your course.
Personal information that you provide to us may be used in a number of ways and the following is a broad description of the way in which NCCS processes personal information.
We process personal information to: enable us to provide education and training to our students; promote our services; maintain our accounts and records; and support and manage our employees.
Information that we process includes:-
personal details
training details
education and employment details,
We also process sensitive classes of information that may include:
physical or mental health details
racial or ethnic origin
religious or other beliefs
criminal offences and alleged offences
We sometimes need to share some of the personal information we record about the individual student with other organisations such as the awarding body, CPCAB, and other members of staff - such as the Centre Manager, Tutors, Internal Moderator, Verifier, and Exam Invigilators. Where this is necessary, we are required to comply with all aspects of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
Most of the internal assessment of the course is undertaken electronically and therefore, students will be required to email work to each other on a regular basis. An email address list will be circulated to peers on the same course as the student prior to the start of the course. Email addresses used will be those provided by the student on the course application form. Students must let the Centre Manager know should they wish for an alternative email address to be used. When signing up to the online classroom platform, students will also be consenting to their email address appearing on their profile for others associated with the course to view.
If there is a safeguarding matter - such as one captured under Law, or if a student discloses imminent suicidal thoughts - information may be shared with a relevant party, such as the Police or a GP.
Information may also be shared to enable to the Centre to support students such as:
Discussing a legal issue with a Solicitor or relevant Consultant;
Discussing a particular learning need with a specialist, such as where a student has dyslexia, is hard of hearing, sight impairment or other disability-related needs;
Sharing information with a designated person who has been brought into the Centre to instigate disciplinary proceedings, investigate a complaint or other similar matters.